Brick Wall Goalie School
The Brick Wall Goalie School at Millon lacrosse is an amazing opportunity for your goalie to get prime instruction at summer camp. The Brick Wall Goalie School will be directed by one of the nation’s top goalie instructors (Director will differ per location). Goalies will spend the majority of each day doing intense instruction and drills on what it takes to be an elite net minder. We don’t use our goalies as targets; they are entitled to their own field and area for instruction.
Once camp gameplay begins, goalies will join their teams and play to reinforce what they are learning in drills. Our goalies will also have the luxury of working out with some of our midfield and attack groups during drills to ensure maximum reps. During the time at the Millon Lacrosse Brick Wall Goalie School, campers will feel like they are attending a goalie-only lacrosse camp with the huge bonus of being able to play games with a team.
Instruction Includes:

Coach Faus reviewing achievements with camper
- Stance and positioning
- Shot stopping: In close, mid range, outside
- Clearing and outlet passes
- Being a vocal leader
- Understanding team
- Defense and communication
- Rebounds
- Proper warmup
- Mental aspects of the game