Millon National Skills Tour
Offensive Players Only Ages 8-17 (2-hour session)
Baltimore, MD – February 16th, 2025 – McDonogh School – 3 pm to 5 pm
More Info Soon for a whole new tour coming next year!

Why Come Check Out the Tour?
- Curriculum: Our elite level instruction has been fine-tuned for over 25 years to make athletes better. Period. Come out to build a foundation of technique and skill to better your game for years to come.
- Convenience: With the ever-growing popularity of club lacrosse, we understand that your time is limited and that you have hours of lacrosse each week, thus we have cut down our time to ensure you can still make it! In this short time, we cut out all of the nonsense of “games” and generic 1v1 drills, and we focus our time on skills that will take you to the next level.
- Affordability: The value of our skills tour is second to none. You will learn extremely valuable skills through a well-thought-out curriculum. Because of the abbreviated time of our skills tour versus one of our standard camps, we are able to cut costs and make it extremely affordable for you!
- Don’t I play enough lacrosse already? The answer is probably not. On the Millon National Skills Tour, we put a premium on INDIVIDUAL skills. You may have as many as 3-4 club practices a week, and while these practices will surely make you a better lacrosse player, you spend the majority of that time going over TEAM skills and concepts, such as offensive systems, riding, clearing, etc. In just two hours with us, you will not only be taught the proper techniques of some of the game’s most crucial skills but you will take home with you a foundation to continue to build on over time.