Millon camp/COVID-19 UPDATE April 6, 2020
Dear Millon lacrosse registered campers and prospective campers:
First, I want to offer best wishes and good health to all during this horrible international crisis. I also wanted to provide an update on our path forward and plan for this summer. I stand by my original post that young boys are going to need to return to normalcy and sport as soon as it’s safe and will continue to listen to guidance from public health officials on when that can be. We are incredibly excited to have just this past weekend launched virtual camps that have sold out and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. While these virtual camps cannot duplicate game play, from an instructional standpoint they are equal to that of a regular camp.
We still plan to run camps this summer and I will outline below some extra measures we will take to keep our campers and families safe. We have however decided that our first two sessions of June are likely just too early so we have decided to cancel those. We are obviously in a very fluid situation so we will continue to update as things change.
We will take the following protocols.
1. There will be no body to body contact during drills or game play, no faceoffs.
2. During instruction and demonstrations, all campers will be 6-8 feet apart.
3. We will NOT be using community water coolers or bottles. Each player is responsible for bringing their own water bottle or thermos to the camp. Water is NOT to be shared with teammates. We will ensure 2 hour clean/sanitize cycles in all high traffic areas and contact surfaces
4. If a player is sick or begins to feel sick near the event, we ask that the player does not come to practice or attend the event….or leaves immediately with symptoms.
5. Hand sanitizer and wipes several times in between session/games.
6. We ask for vigilance to the food offerings you choose. May want to lean towards packaged items like “uncrustables” in place of homemade sandwiches for example. The more packaged items, the better.
7. No player to player high fives, hand shakes, low fives, chest bumps etc limited to no body contact with other campers. Any group instruction, campers and coaches will stay 6 feet apart.
Food service related:
Removal of all Salt & Pepper Shakers and Sugar Caddies (available upon request with sanitation after each use)
Best regards,
Mark Millon